Saturday, December 29, 2007

Week full of surprises

This week went by way too fast! It was filled with a few surprises (some good and some bad) but overall it was a wonderful Christmas week. My grandma drove 2 hours from the north country and showed up at my parents house last Sunday morning. No one expected her to come for Christmas. That was a very good surprise. Then, my brother and his girlfriend arrived safe and sound from WA after having a little problem with the airlines. It was truly a blessing to see them. We spent a lot of time catching up and playing a ton of Canasta.

In between family time, I was preparing for the big Christmas Eve services. That's where the not-so-good surprise comes in. In all my attempts to be super organized, my worst nightmare happened. See, I started off at church #2 to get everything all set before I went to church #1. Well, I happened to leave my manuscript(sermon) for church #1 at church #2. So, when I arrived at church #1 I freaked out. Here I was, on one of the biggest days of the church year, without my manuscript. So, I calmed down and scribbled on a piece of paper to recall all my key points. All said and done, it all went well and almost everyone had no idea of my mishap. Talk about preaching from the heart!

I tried to shake off what happened at church #1 and walked into church #2, ready for the festivities. Worship went beautifully and it was an added bonus that most of my family was present. After worship, I went home to grab Duke and my packed bags and headed to my parents. It was a wonderful Christmas day and Santa was very good to me. Yet, what made it wonderful was just being with family and friends. I definitely felt the joy of Christmas this year as we recalled old memories and made new ones.

The final surprise was that despite my mishaps, or any of our mistakes, the joy of Christmas comes. It is not dependent upon a perfect evening. It is not dependent upon anything we do or don't do. Christmas comes. Christ comes. Joy comes. Hope comes. One woman, on her way out the door at church #2 said "Thank you. This gave me hope." Why was I surprised to hear such a thing. Why was I surprised that God showed up? Why was I surprised that hope was found? Where have you felt the joy and hope of Christmas?

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