Monday, January 28, 2008

It's been a while

I am sorry it’s been so long. At least I’m back at it! Over the last month…
Christmas and Epiphany has come and gone
All the decorations are down
my brother went back to WA
I had a vacation and was able to visit a friend in PA
I started Weight Watchers (again) & down 13lbs.
Oswego experienced a snow storm & had a real snow day (both churches cancelled services!)
I officiated a funeral
Baptized a beautiful little girl
Dog sat for my parents

It has been a busy month. It has been a good month. Church life is going well and I continue to be inspired by the folks I serve. Of course there has been some rough patches but all in all it has been a great three years. I reflect upon this because in a few weeks I will be interviewing with my annual conference’s Board of Ordained Ministry. I will be interviewed by 50 clergy colleagues and lay persons over one full day. Every step along the ordination process I have been affirmed by churches, boards, friends, family, colleagues, and mentors. Yet, even with this knowledge, I can’t help but be a bit nervous. I am confident of my call and my effectiveness as a pastor but the interview process can be daunting. I am thankful for my parishioners who have so much faith in me and in my mentors in ministry for helping me along the way. I am thankful for the call to serve and thankful for the God who called me. Keep me in your prayers.

In the readings from Sunday, Jesus calls Simon Peter, James, John and Andrew to follow him. No questions asked- they immediately follow. I have a feeling that when they did their lives were never the same. The same is with us. On this journey of discipleship we are called to follow by offer healing, wholeness, and peace in the name of Jesus Christ. My prayer is that as we do, in whatever ways we do, that we are changed and we are transformed by the God who calls all of us.

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